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As you are thinking out loud about your predictions and questions you will say something like
this: "I think this story is going to be about...based on... (Sometimes writers break the
rules in order to make their writing sound just right. The process of predicting and
questioning continues throughout the story.Thinking out loud about your reading helps students to understand that
good readers make meaning with the text when they read. Teachers who "think out loud"
demonstrate to students how writers make their decisions.If you are uncomfortable writing in front of
your class, you can pre-plan your writing piece before your lesson. Think out loud about
any revisions or editing you do during the writing process.Your "think aloud" lessons should be
short and focused. In the following writing example the "think aloud" is inside the parenthesis.(I
am going to write a piece about ice cream. If you teach a lesson on
visualization using a "think aloud", you can then ask students to read a short piece
of text to a partner and "stop and think out loud" about the mental images
they make in their minds during the reading process. You are helping your students make
meaning while reading and think through the Tn Requin writing process by demonstrating your own thinking. You
want to select a piece of text that is one level above their independent reading
levels which requires teacher support during reading instruction. This is called their "instructional reading level."
Tell students you are going to read aloud the text while they read along silently
in their minds. You can accomplish this by using a big book, placing text on
a projection system, writing the text on large chart paper, or giving each student a
copy of the text. I'm going to read to find out." During reading stop and
think out loud about your prediction. As a reader, you naturally make predictions about the
text and ask relevent questions. Teachers can help students become aware of how good readers
read by thinking out loud during reading lessons.The first step is to choose a piece
of text on your student's reading level. During her 14 year tenure she has earned
a Masters in Reading, presented at state and national conferences, and earned the 2006 Texas
Council for the Teachers of English Language Arts Elementary Teacher of the Year Award. The
word "metacognition" means to "think about your thinking." Teachers can use their own metacognition tn requin to
model how they think when they read for meaning or compose a piece of writing.
Confirm or adjust your prediction based on what happened in the story and make new
predictions. I wonder if "fill in the blank" will happen... I decided to use sentence
fragments and begin the fragments with the word "and" to give the writing a certain
sound. You can teach students different reading strategies and skills by using "think alouds" strategically
during lessons.Thinking About WritingComposing a piece of writing in front of children helps young writers
"see" how writers work through the writing process. Allow students to "try it" after you
have demonstrated the process several times. The important part of the process is to "show"
your students how you think through your piece of writing. Explain to students that as
you read the text aloud, you will "stop and think out loud" about the text
and its' meaning.Begin by scanning the piece of text to determine what the text will
be about. Now I will read what I've written so far.)Continue your piece of writing,
stopping to "think out loud" about your writing decisions. (This sentence should cause the reader
to ask, "What happened?") And my pants. And my shoes. They read the words aloud
and appear to be "reading", but in many cases they are not comprehending the text.
Students can internalize the strategies you teach by conducting their own "think alouds" with partners.
This strategy is called "thinking out loud" or "think alouds".Thinking About ReadingMany children become experts
at breaking the reading code and sounding out words. Reread your piece every once in
awhile. In order to keep your students engaged, keep your lessons at 10 to 15
minutes. A hook is an exciting first sentence that makes the reader want to continue
reading.) My favorite ice cream is on my shirt. I think I will call it
"My Favorite Ice Cream".)My Favorite Ice Cream(I want to begin my piece with a "hook".
This metacognitive strategy will help your children grow as readers and writers.Lisa Frase is a
National Board Certified Teacher in Literacy. Stop by and listen in on your student's thinking
to assess whether or not they are grasping the strategy or skill you've taught.Thinking out
loud is a powerful way to teach children to read and write. She continues to
teach, write, and maintain a website for teachers packed with free resources at http://www.effectiveteachingsolutions.com.
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